Becoming A Hat Person At Marquis and Co.
I have always considered myself a multi-faceted person in terms of skills and interests as well as their over laps. It seems like every other month I am pursuing something new as a potential career. When I started as Marquis and Co. (which owns HipCityVeg, Charlie Was A Sinner, Bar Bombon), I began to realize that many of these skills would actually be used.
My position as a design intern entails working on almost every single piece of creative that they put out. That means social media photography, website pop ups, marketing e-blasts and so much more. I had to quickly adapt to this fast paced lifestyle or I would have surely been swallowed whole in the potential burnout. Luckily, I have had the pleasure of being surrounded by great people with great ideas who are standing behind my work and have provided me with the feedback I need.
Ever since I was a kid I hated wearing hats. They were itchy and made my hair stand up, not to mention the fact that I am a very forgetful person and are super inclined to lose things. Wearing hats was never my thing and till this day hasn’t been. But when I was brought on at Marquis and Co. I realized the importance of trying to fit as many of them on my head as possible. I would spend one morning scheduling campaigns, only to rush off to the other side of the city to take social photos of some new HipCity items and then back to setup a product shoot and have them edited by 4 o’clock. With my internship slowly coming to an end, I realized how valuable many of those skills are that I have learned over the years. This internship helped me find a confidence in myself that I was worried I either lost or pretended to have.
To really some things up, I am now proud of my hat collection. I love showing people my hats and what those hats can do for them. Marquis and Co. has opened up my own personal horizon of my capability and I am forever grateful for that.
I was SO surprised when I realized how many different skills and tasks I would acquire while working in the industry for my internship. It’s interesting hearing your take on it, seeing that you’ve had a similar experience! When people ask what I do for my job, it’s always hard to narrow it down to just one or two things because of it. You described it really well using the hat comparison.
Also, I could relate to the struggle of trying to manage it all at first. It’s tough, but we learn as we go, right?!
I love the metaphor on hats that you used to explain all of the skills you gained and applied at your internship! Thinking of hats as you have, I love wearing them too. Being a “multi-faceted” person is something I would describe myself as also. Sometimes it’s hard to choose one passion, and it certainly doesn’t feel right to imagine yourself doing the same work for the rest of your life. Your experience shows that multiple interests and skills are amazing things to have. Your constant pursuit of something new paid off at Marquis and Co., as you were able to juggle a constant switch in actions and mindsets. This was great to hear and very comforting, too.
This sounds like an absolutely awesome opportunity. I really like the metaphor that you used for the hats. I find it relatable especially because when you go into a marketing internship, it seems like your job description will be somewhat straightforward, when in reality, you end up “collecting more hats” than you ever thought possible. I love Hip City Veg and although I have never heard of the parent company, I am sure it has been totally cool working for them. Good luck in future endeavors!