Biting the Big Apple
A lot has happened for me in the past week: I made the move to New York City, began a summer internship, and saved a kitten from a tree. Ok, admittedly It was a shrub…
I am currently in the midst of wrapping up my first week at SAY Media, a dynamic and youthful company specializing in engaging audiences with relevant and innovative interactive ads.
Prior to the start of my internship, I did my homework to learn a bit about the company so I could hit the ground running. SAY’s claim to fame is their unique CPE (cost per engagement) pricing model opposed to the usual CPM (cost per thousand) pricing model. Pricing a client based on individual engagements opposed to a blanket number allows the advertiser to effectively see their dollars at work.
Coming in I was unsure what to expect for my first week, maybe a formal orientation with other interns. Oh contraire; I was fully immersed from the second I walked in the door. Each week begins with a GSC (global sales call) between all the SAY offices around the world. We were on the line with the likes of Chicago, London, San Francisco and Sydney all at once. Important monthly goals and tactics were discussed by key players from each office, with input from supporting staff members.
My next few work days were equally as exciting and presented new challenges. My second day the office organized a business sponsored celebration for a retiring brand manager. This got us all out of the office and into a social setting where I was able to begin knowing my coworkers better. The office is an energetic and ambitious group of individuals who know how to meet goals and enjoy their time.
Overall I feel this has been a very successful first week on the job, I have a feeling that this great company will foster my growth as an ad student and help me to become a more intelligent advertising executive.
Till next time!