Braithwaite’s Best Kept Secret: Hugh Braithwaite
When I began interning at Braithwaite Communications I was doing a lot of work for various Account Executives. I came to work looking forward to doing a new project and learning something new and relevant to my future career. Being under the wing of various PR professionals gave me a view of “the other side of Advertising” as they call it. I didn’t know that Hugh was the CEO until he introduced himself and I put two and two together!
Hugh is very humble and full of charisma! He has so much insight on finding data and coming at a task from a plethora of different angles. He doesn’t have a huge office that seperates him from the other executives and he is very approachable. This open office environment that they have at Braithwaite helps the chemistry between the professionals to be real and productive. New ideas are always being bounced around and nobody is too good to help their peers. Hugh works alongside others and even though he has been in the game the longest, you would never know until you had a conversation with him. Hugh is like a walking, talking mass of information! His stories are great and you will always take away a life or career lesson from what he has to say!
My first project for Hugh was a powerpoint presentation on Approachability. He had to put together a workshop for one of his clients who wanted to teach their CEO how to be more approachable. A lot of CEO’s don’t have that down-to-earth persona and they could learn a thing or two from Hugh. He doesn’t hold back knowledge and is always willing to explain anything he wants done in further detail than the vivid description he gives from the beginning. Being able to take the time out and answer questions and share his life with others is a quality Hugh has that we all take advantage of at Braithwaite. So cheers to the PR man of the year: Hugh Braithwaite, CEO of Braithwaite Communications