Brooke Shaden, Photographer
I discovered Brooke Shaden on the evening news in my hometown of Lancaster, PA. Why did they feature her? Because she is a Lancaster native making it big time in the Los Angeles. That rarely happens, besides the taylor kinney/lady gaga rumors/truths. Oh, and she is a Temple Alum too!
One of Shadens photos, “Time” was chosen for the Canon imagin8ion contest. The imagin8ion contest is a contest of photographic works that inspired a short film. The winning photos were chosen by Ron Howard and the film was directed by Bryce Dallas Howard.
Brookes work has this whimsical yet eerie feel to it and makes you ask “How did she do that? Where is this?” I’m sure a lot of post processing is involved in her work, which isnt something I am a huge fan of, but her images are just stunning.
Take a look at more of her work! Here is a article on Brooke from the Temple News!