Cheers! Reflections of a Happy Intern
I’m always excited before a job or internship interview, but I had a very special feeling of confidence the day of my interview at The Drink Nation (thedrinknation.com-check it out, especially if you want to learn more about the best bars in Philly!). I had finally found a company that I REALLY wanted to be a part of, and they were interested in me, too. The interview was fun and comfortable, like speaking to friends. A week or two passed and the founder of the company contacted me: I got it.
Oh, what a relief! The feeling was mutual; I knew I could do great work for this company, and they knew it, too.
It’s important to do the very best work that you can do, and to push yourself to do even better work than you may have even known was possible for you to execute; But this goes hand in hand with the fact that one must be a part of an environment that fosters and encourages this kind of work, and I have found that in The Drink Nation. It’s a young, but quickly-growing startup company with less than 20 employees, and generally no more than 5 of us are in the office at the same time- so I’ve really gotten to know my coworkers, which has been fantastic. Because there are so few of us, we all get to interact regularly, which is something I wouldn’t have been able to experience at a larger company. This is a huge part of why I am going to continue working at The Drink Nation- it’s the one of the most comfortable working environments I’ve ever been in.
A huge factor in how comfortable working is in the office is that everyone is encouraged to ask questions, and everyone’s input has value- there isn’t the usual hierarchy. It’s a nice to just be able to easily ask a question about a project instead of making mistakes without help. It helps all of us do our best work.