Chicken Soup May Be Good for the Soul but a Nonprofit Internship is Good for the HeartI
This semester I spent my time interning for a nonprofit organization completely dedicated to finding a cure for Type II Diabetes, a disease that plagues millions and millions of Americans. Each year more and more people are being diagnosed for a disease that can be avoided (this is referring to Type II, not Type I). It is awful to watch close family and friends have to deal with this disease day in and day out for the rest of their lives and know that there is nothing that you personally can do for them. Or is there?
When I began my internship this semester, I was driven and ready to change the whole world. I did have to be reigned in a little bit, because we need to take steps but, I know my enthusiasm was appreciated by a company that had never had an intern before. Through research and discussion, I was able to understand Type II Diabetes on a new level. There are so many people that even just changing one person’s life is a huge accomplishment. That one person could change so many things, he/she could affect another person’s life or take the good thing that has happened to him/her and do more great things for other people. Anything is possible when you inspire even just one person.
This semester allowed me to see all the potential I have. I have a fire burning for the cause and not just because it is one that I hold close to my heart. I want to inspire people and make a difference in people’s lives. This was exactly what I needed to feel right before finishing my last semester at Temple University. Now, when I walk across the stage on May 8th I will be ready to take on the world and do some good in it.
Love the title! Very attention grabbing. I’m glad you finished your Temple degree on a positive note. Your internship sounds like a lot of great work that makes an impact. I hope in your future ventures you can draw from this experience and continue to change people’s lives. Good job!