Chivas Regal speaks for itself…

A couple of days ago we had a discussion about genericide in Morality and Law (ad course). While I like this ad especially given how old it is, this wouldn’t fly today. I don’t really think genericide is a problem unless I dislike the dominant brand. So what is genericide? It’s when a brand’s recognition overtakes an entire category. I resent that people call mp3 players, iPods. I had a first generation mp3 player (Compaq iPaq) 10 years ago and back then it was mind blowing. I loved it and I still have it… somewhere. Other examples include: Kleenex, Xerox, Band-aid, Swiffer, Brillo, and maybe even Coke.
So where is Chivas Regal now?
“Here’s to the straight talkers who give their word and keep it.”
What a dynamite line that is! I love it because I live by it. If Chivas Regal is about holding others to the same standard that I hold myself, then I have much respect for this brand. I could imagine that Scottish chivalry is a world apart from chivalry here in the U.S (a cultural non sequitur). Righteousness becomes self-righteousness when people lose sight of their own inherent good. They treat others poorly because don’t they feel worthy of being treated any better themselves. They struggle to recognize the good in others. To me, Chivas Regal is about being a man of my word and leading by example. Again, I love it. This is one of the most inspirational spots I’ve seen in recent times.