Coming Down to the Wire
This week has been absolutely hectic with my Supervisor gone for the week on a business trip. The big assignments I’ve been working on with the other interns are all due early next week, and unfortunately, we need our Supervisor’s guidance and wisdom. The quarterly magazine, “Philly Review” is due tomorrow, but the the edits are not quite finished. The presentation of the market research the two marketing interns and I put together is due next Monday and Tuesday. Monday we are doing a dry run presentation in front of the other interns in the office to receive feedback and suggestions on what we can work on and what is working well. Tuesday is the big day. Tuesday is the day that we present our final work in front of the Vice President and other heads of departments. I have presented before in classes, but as much as I prepare myself, I’m always nervous. I turn the brightest shade of red and sometimes my voice even shakes. Presenting in front of the major heads of each department, with the Vice President on top of that, is overwhelming and quite frightening.
It feels like its the end of the semester and every class you have has the “biggest” project due at the end, so you have about five huge assignments assigned all around the same time. Although I am confident that the assignments given to us marketing interns will be completed on time, I will be nervous and feel uneasy until this presentation is over. Wish me luck!