Commit To Fit
My name is Tony Lim. I am interning for a marketing/advertising position at Weston Fitness, a health club located in Center City Philadelphia on 19th and Market St. One of my tasks I was asked to complete was to create a marketing campaign for the month of August. My ideas for August had to associate with, of course, fitness. I decided to focus in on “Commit to Fit.” August allowed new members to join a commitment “package.” It signed them up for 3 Months and given a 4th month free. When I thought of commitment, I thought of tattoos. I thought how cool would it be if we were to able to get the gym members to wear this temporary Weston Fitness tattoo, take a picture of themselves wearing it and “ tag” themselves on Facebook and be able to win a prize. The purpose was to have a growth in social media awareness and at the same time allow our members to win a prize while doing it.
Speaking with my internship coordinator, Michael A. Smith, he has told me that this was the first time viral marketing has ever existed in the health club. Results have shown that members have already doubled for this month and they’re a few more weeks before it ends. Besides promoting August’s monthly campaign, I was also in the health club taking pictures of participating members as well. In the process, we were able to gain several new friend adds, more “Likes”, and more awareness on Facebook. This was a great experience. Everything was hands on. From marketing to promoting, and networking and speaking to other workers in the field was very invaluable.
The ad created for August.