Content Creating at The Mann
This summer, I have accepted a position as a Content Creation Intern at The Mann Center for the Performing Arts. I have always enjoyed editing and creating videos for my own entertainment, so I was extremely pleased to accept this offer. The Mann Center is a non-profit open-air music center in Fairmount Park, and for majority of my internship, I would be working in the office, which is located on Broad Street in Center City. My internship began on May 23rd, and I was greeted kindly by the Marketing Department on my first day.
I have learned many useful skills within my first couple weeks of being there. I was taught how to access Sharepoint and even learned a few skills on Photoshop. I attended my first Marketing Departmental meeting and was able to witness how each person in the Marketing team worked cohesively in order to have a successful season. During my first meeting, I thought it was a great idea to promote our “Movies at The Mann” series on a local radio station. I was able to set up a recording time with host of Q102, and promoted our Rocky In Concert show. This was a great experience, and it was cool to set up that connection.
Another big part of my Content Creation Internship was that I would have to film social media content during most of our events. The first event I had scheduled at the venue was the Roots Picnic, which I enjoyed filming quite a bit. I was able to ask patrons if they would like to be filmed for a “What People Wore at the Roots Picnic” Reel, and posted the video on all of the socials the day after the festival. This post ended up receiving 17k views, and was reposted by Live Nation and the Roots Picnic social medias. Throughout the weeks, I have attended multiple concerts and have been able to figure out what works best for me in terms of time management during the concerts.
This opportunity has been a dream, and I am so grateful for all of the experiences I have had thus far. I am eager to learn more about the industry, and find ways to improve my performance at work.
Wow Fabbiha! This seems like such a cool internship. I just saw a concert at The Mann for the first time a few weeks ago, and it was so fun. The venue was also gorgeous, so that’s really cool that you get to be there all the time experience the artists coming and going. This sounds like a really good learning opportunity with lots of fun content to make. You are getting a peak behind the concert curtains which is invaluable experience, truly. Maybe I will see you again at The Mann sometime this summer making content!