Creating a Fun Atmosphere at the Office
At JDMK Consulting we have a ton of fun at the office! My boss John definitely knows how to create a fun atmosphere at work. He knows how to create a fun work environment that rewards employees and keeps it fun so we continue to work hard.
We use this application called bonusly, which allows coworkers to give each other coins when they appreciate their help or see them doing something that deserves a reward. The coins rack up and eventually you can trade those coins in for a gift card to your favorite store! This is an awesome way to keep us motivated and working hard.
Another way JDMK creates a fun working environment is by having retreats. In the beginning of the semester we booked a trampoline room at Sky Zone, where we could all have fun and unwind. This was a way to get to know everyone outside the office and gave us something to do so there was no awkward silences when we didn’t know what to talk about.
Another way that we have fun in the office is having weekly meetings. At these meetings we talk about our week and what we have going on. John plays music and sometimes we all bring snacks. This gives us a chance to see what everyone has on their plate for the week, as well as take a break from the cubicle. The communication also helps because at these meetings we can ask for help on projects or for others opinions on what we are working on.
All in all, interning at JDMK has been wonderful and I am so glad I had the experience of working at a small office with a fun, yet still professional, atmosphere.
JDMK sounds like a great place to work! I am glad you were lucky enough to get such a fun atmosphere as an office setting. I feel that having a office setting you feel safe, happy, and able to freely think is always the most productive and the fact that you are having fun at your job or looking forward to fun upcoming events i am sure makes for great company morale, and feeling around the water cooler.I hope that my start-up company can become something like JDMK for all the great things you said about it, and touched on the importance of having fun in the workplace. Advertising is creatively driven and there is a need for breaks and fueling to get the creativity flowing, and JDMK sounds like the perfect place for that to occur.
Congratulations on finding a great spot to work!