
My name is Sami Souders and I am a senior at Temple University. This summer, I found myself among other Temple graduates at the small but flourishing advertising agency, At Media. Founded by Antoinette Johnson and Tyler Westnedge in 2006, the company primarily handles branding and web design. They work with clients familiar to the campus, such as Pub Webb. From interning there as a designer, I have grown more interested in aspects relating to brand identity and logo design.

The company is currently undergoing their own brand redesign and I was there to witness their initial brainstorming steps. Interning at At Media taught me the importance of presenting oneself in the best possible light. When I came in, they remarked on my shyness although I always viewed myself as just acting initially quiet. This statement allowed me to assess my own personal branding.

I have yet to take the steps to finalize a portfolio which everyone in the business declares one of the most important steps for recent graduates looking for employment in a design field. At Media has helped provide me with not only the experience to help create a polished portfolio, but  also offered me opportunities to create pieces that I can include in it.

The motto of At Media, “Design, create, develop, market, brand” outlines some very important steps in forming a successful image.  As I continue to grow as a student and a designer, I will come back to these words to keep me focused.

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