Design, Film, & Fun
Hello everyone! My name is Taylor Letizio, and I’m a senior advertising major in the Art Direction track. This semester I’ve had the privilege to intern at the Philadelphia Film Society as their Graphic design intern. The Philadelphia Film Society is a non profit organization located right in the heart of Center City. Right from the start of the interview process, I knew that the team was hardworking and down to earth and that I wanted to help out in whatever way possible.
My first day as the graphic design intern was a precursor to the rest of the semester- there was no coffee runs or any other stereotypical idea of what an intern would be doing here! I was very busy. I jumped right in with the lead graphic designer to start a multiple number of projects. The Philadelphia Film Society holds a huge festival every October called the Philadelphia Film Festival. The festival is a huge event that draws in thousands of people to watch over 100 hand picked films that will contribute to the culture and life of the city. Most of my work so far has been created for the Film Festival, which happened a couple of weeks ago (you should all go next year, it was amazing!). Fortunately for me, I got to work on two layouts that would be featured in the film festivals guidebook. I got my work featured in the book which has around 25,000 viewers. I felt a great sense of pride knowing that my work was actually used and being seen by so many people!
I have worked on other small projects throughout the semester and my favorite part about interning at the Philadelphia Film Society is knowing that what I’m doing is making a difference and helping out the company a lot. I also have learned so much about designing and how what I’m creating will be used. I can’t wait to see what the remaining weeks at my internship holds.
Hello, Taylor~ I was drawn to your post because of the image for this blog. I saw the Philadelphia Film Society festival pamphlets all over Temple and honestly, the design has drawn my attention so many times. I love the graphics in the pamphlet so much. In fact, I picked up a booklet myself and kept it to get inspired. It amazes me how you made the layout because it never crossed my mind that someone who is the same major and only a grade higher than me could’ve made the graphic. This truly shows how powerful interns are and it amazes me how you were able to make a difference for the company because you were able to draw the attention of thousands of people, including myself. Someday, I hope to also be able to achieve an accomplishment this great.
Hi Taylor,
Your internship sounds like it has been a great experience so far. It also sounds like so much fun! It’s so cool that you had the opportunity to design materials for the big Film Festival event. I can totally relate to the sense of pride you feel when you see your final work published or online. Knowing that our designs help communicate a message to someone else (or in your case 25,000 people!) is one of my favorite parts about what we do.
I hope you enjoy the rest of your internship!