Designing and Communicating Remotely
I have had the privilege to work as the Graphic Design Intern at Kingdom Social Media. Last semester, I had taken David D. Simons class, Social Media Marketing, and he reached out to me at the end of the semester to offer me an internship position, after seeing my Graphic Design work in class.
Luckily for me, the transition to working remotely wasn’t too difficult, as Kingdom Social Media is already a mainly remote company. Therefore, my mentor was able to quickly help me get adjusted to online-based work and communication.
This experience has taught me so many valuable skills such as timely communication, file packaging, video editing, and managing client relationships. Going into this internship I was under the impression I would only be doing Graphic Design work such as logos and promotional flyers. However, I was pleasantly surprised when my mentor asked me if I would like to take on other projects such as designing and packaging media kits and editing branding videos.
From my perspective, Kingdom Social Media works as one big team where everyone has a different task to do, but ultimately, if you need it anyone can help you out. For example, majority of my projects I did on my own, however, there are multiple people on the Graphics team who could help out or collaborate if needed. I enjoyed being given the responsibility of creating and packaging my own work and then receiving edits from either the client or my mentor. I think the most valuable aspect of the internship for me was the editing process. After finishing a project, I would submit it for review and then receive a couple rounds of edits until it was approved. This taught me how to create work bearing critiques and client needs in mind. It also helped me to trust the process as majority of the time, I would submit work thinking it was amazing and then after a few rounds of edits, I found that the newest, edited version was far better than what I started with.
My time at Kingdom Social Media has been highly valuable. I would recommend for anyone looking for an internship or going into one soon, to be open to trying new things. I didn’t expect to receive some of the responsibilities I did, however, I am so glad I was entrusted with them as it has given me a glimpse into what work could be like for me in the future. Overall, a great work experience and I am excited for what is to come next!
Hi Kiana,
It’s so wonderful to hear that you’ve had a positive experience interning at Kingdom Social Media. I really enjoyed reading that most projects are solo, but if you needed help, you could ask and someone would assist. I too believe the editing process is what can make our work better. It helps to have many different eyes and perspectives! What were some of the projects you were given that you weren’t expecting and how did it help you acquire a new skill? I was unaware that this company was mostly remote-based, that is helpful knowing that the pandemic isn’t over and work can still be found remotely. Good luck with your future endeavors!