Designing the Mobile Experience
Even though my internship with Kings Rule Together is coming to a close, I made a connection with the company and will be continuing my relationship with them. It’s a growing brand with a lot of potential and I want to be a part of the building process. A current project K.R.T. is working on is a mobile store. They recently purchased an old ice cream truck and are renovating to use at different vending opportunities this summer, like concerts and festivals. The project to design the truck was given to another intern and myself and to say the least, I’m ecstatic. Unfortunately, I will be in Los Angeles this summer with the Study Away Internship Program through Temple, so I won’t be able to see the truck in action. But projects like this have me excited about the the company’s future.
That’s great that you will keep in touch with the company. I am a big believer in networking. Good luck in LA.