Designing with Farotech
Hi everyone, my name is Miles Fortner I am a senior who is taking a summer internship with Farotech during 2020, which to put it mildly is a very unique time in the world. My time with Farotech has been enjoyable, it has had its ups and downs which is most likely a direct result of this big and quick transition. Despite all that however my days working are usually very busy.
Farotech is a small marketing firm in Conshohocken that deals mainly with insurance and orthopedics companies specializing in SEO. They also offer design, web design, copy, and content but the majority of their clients are there for SEO.
I work mainly as a designer, I have been given other tasks like scouting podcast guests for Farotech’s weekly podcast but haven’t had time. I work under the CEO Chris Carr and have been creating a sales deck for him. This thing is massive, at about 250 slides, and takes up about my entire workday. This project was also given to me with a deadline of June 18th for an upcoming presentation.
Working with Chris has been a real learning experience. He was a former art director, and even though my background is in account management, I enjoy working as a designer. Chris gives notes on all the graphics I have made, which has been about 200, no matter how well designed it is I usually receive some notes.
Moving forward when I find a career I am still not sure what I want from an agency or company, but here are some of my musts. Number one is diversity, it would be cool to work in an environment that had faces from all over. Number two would be working with different kinds of clients. And lastly, I would like a more consistent schedule and more transparency. I am very grateful for my experience at Farotech and am looking forward to the “next step” of my journey.