Devine + Partners Internship
Throughout the semester, I have had the amazing opportunity of interning with Devine + Partners, a PR agency located in Philadelphia. I was hired as a content creation intern in early January, started in the beginning of February, and am set the complete the program on May 5. My time as an intern has taught me so much about the professional PR world, communication, and time management.
This role has come with various types of responsibilities. My two main tasks throughout the program have been media monitoring and writing press releases. I have a weekly task of using Critical Mention to monitor how often the Mann Center was mentioned in news articles or news segments. After I analyze the information and enter it into an excel sheet, it is sent to the Mann Center at the end of the week. In addition, I have assisted with writing press releases for various clients that work with Devine + Partners. The topics of these press releases have varied, but the task has allowed me to work on my professional writing skills while also meeting the needs of clients.
Aside from the technical work I have done, this internship has also allowed me to work on my professional communication and time management skills. Each week, I was expected to sit in on weekly meetings, meet certain deadlines, and work with the D+P team. By doing this, I was able to get an inside look on the interworking of the professional field. I feel as though my experience was very unique because I was a part of such a smaller team. This allowed me to get to know each member of the team on a closer level, as well as learn what each position entails.
I am extremely grateful to have been selected for such an amazing position/experience. I have learned so much that I am lucky enough to bring with me when I start my next position.
Hello, Sophia! I enjoyed hearing about your time with Devine, and I’m glad you had a positive experience during your internship. I certainly want to pursue journalism and writing for various publications or newspapers in the near future, so it was wonderful to see you doing it on a weekly basis and thoroughly enjoying your time. I’d heard of Divine through another Advertising professor, so it’s fantastic to know they’re doing well as well.
Hey Sophia! I am currently working for The Mann Center, and just recently had a meeting with Devine + Partners! I met with Devines Account Coordinator to discuss an upcoming influencer even that is being held at The Mann. Devine + Partners works with The Mann center for PR, and I was surprised to find out that you interned there! I think it is so interesting how both of our internships are connected. I recently went through a few press articles that was sent over to our marketing team through Devine, and it was organized really well! I am also a Content Creation intern and I think it is very interesting how our responsibilities are very similar and connected.