English Dept. Internship Update
I’ve learned a lot during my internship with the English Department. The biggest learning experience was discovering everything that goes into producing a complete project. Not only does the project need to be completed it still has to be produced and distributed. And then you need to measure how the success of the project. After that, you have to evaluate it and learn how you can improve for the next time.
I also posted earlier in the semester about introducing social media to the Department. And I mentioned looking at Facebook Insights to get a better understanding of our users. Through this I’ve found some interesting facts I would like to share. We’ve had an average of 133 monthly active users. The demographics of users are about 50/50 men to women. The lifetime total likes is steadily increasing. In addition, between 20-60 Facebook users check the page daily.

One of the most notable aspects of the Facebook page is that it has generated an average of 628 impressions through the content added to the page. And our Discussion Board had 360 impressions. This tells us that alumni are interested in the English Dept and want to know what other are working on.

The most exciting aspect of introducing the Facebook page is seeing people interact with the page. Users are seeking out information on it and like sharing it with the rest of the Temple English community.