Envisioning my Future Through my Inspirational Internship with Envision
This semester I have been interning with Envision LLC under David Aaron, co-founder and creative director, as a social media management and creative intern. Through Envision, I have been able to run social media accounts for different clients, film amazing events, learn the ins and outs of a creative base, and watch ideas become reality through my internship. I was also able to meet some incredible and truly inspiring people. I could walk through every single person at the company, but I will stick with three that taught me the most just by being themselves.
- David
David is one of the co-founders of the company and it shows through his attention to detail and his care for every project we work on. He is constantly working on project after project to make sure everything gets to clients in a timely fashion while not losing the high-quality standards he sets. His work ethic inspires mine; I always look to his ability to grind out even the most boring parts of running a business like building a schedule to help me power through whatever task I would rather not do. David also makes sure that every person in the company knows they are valued, he is not shy with compliments and praise for a job well done, and he makes sure to check in with everyone. He calls or texts to make sure people know that the company is as much a family as it is a business. He takes time out of his day to make sure everyone there feels heard and can talk about whatever rather than feel intimidated by him; his dedication to relationships being strong is one of the most admirable things about him. It inspires me to come to him with ideas or suggestions without feeling like I will be judged, it truly makes the work environment amazing, and it starts from the top.
- Isaac
Isaac inspires through his passion. Working alongside him for a retainer client has shown just how important it is to be passionate about what you are doing. He comes into every meeting with ten new ideas on how to make the relationship with the client even better, and how we can better suit their needs. His passion is contagious, and it pushes everyone around him to work as hard as him on whatever project. Beyond his passion for his work, his passion for helping others is amazing. He is always willing to help format an email or plan out a posting schedule if you are struggling. He truly practices what he preaches, always making sure to give 110% because he cares about the team and the clients. I can call him anytime and know I am going to get the best possible advice or help for whatever task I may be struggling with; he is just so kind.
- Gilbert
Gil is incredible. He is never afraid to question or challenge an idea, and not out of cynicism. He wants to make sure everything thrives, and he knows that questioning a partially thought-out idea or concept is how you make it a fully-fledged idea. Gil keeps people on their toes, he makes sure every step is perfectly executed by making you double or triple-check your work. His ability to do so without making you feel stupid or upset is a gift, and it inspires me to make sure I completely think things through before presenting them, making them even better than the initial idea, and even more successful. Gil is also inspiring because of his love for what he does. Everything he does is out of love, from his questioning you on an idea to his outreach for growth and development, never once does it feel as though he does not love what he does. When other people put in as much love as he does, you want to as well. I always want to match the level of care that he puts into his work, because it is always important to do things with love to make sure they are the best they can be.
All three of them, and honestly everyone else on the team, inspire me to do the highest quality work no matter what the task is. I am inspired by the people I have met through my internship beyond just in the workplace. I found one of the most important things in an internship is learning from them about the industry as well as about life. Good people run good companies, and Envision is a good company run by good people. I have learned a million things about running social media accounts, creative directions, and covering events, all from people who inspired me through their work and their demeanor. Through the internship, I have been inspired to work harder and better than I ever have, but I have also been inspired to be a better person, and both developments are serving me quite well.