Fuel up to Play 60 is more than Play!
My name is Nalah Clark, I am a Junior Advertising Major under the Account Management Track. I am an Intern at Mid-Atlantic Dairy Association and I work with their program Fuel up to Play 60!
When telling people that I intern with Fuel Up to Play 60, a program that partners with the NFL to promote healthy eating and exercise to students in inner city schools, they immediately assume that I’m working directly with the NFL. While that would be awesome, it is not the glitz and glam that one would expect. As an intern the person I work for directly is the Youth Program Coordinator. He is responsible for putting together events for the clients (the schools) of each district. As his intern, I assist him with the behind the scenes work that goes into making these events successful. Some of my responsibilities include creating availability spreadsheets to show which schools are available on days of events, contacting clients for an update on their attendance to the event and creating customer relationship spreadsheet which allows the company to keep track of each school in every district.
So far, I have not fully touched on all my responsibilities as far as contacting clients for attendance, because a lot of the events aren’t until late May and early June. So, in the time that I have been here I have been responsible for all the post events work that happened the end of last year. These responsibilities are smaller tasks, which include scanning registration forms, sign-in sheets from events, and saving pictures from each event in their respective folder. I also am responsible for mailing out merchandise, giveaways, and thank you letters to schools, which allows the company to keep a positive customer relationship.
While I am an intern and I do small tasks, what makes it enjoyable is that they’re all leading up to something so big. You would typically hear about interns grabbing coffee or being bossed around by their supervisor, but I have been fortunate enough not to experience that and feel as though I add value to the company even though its small. Towards the end of the semester, however, it would be rewarding to attend one of the events. This would ultimately make my experience worthwhile as I would be able to see some of the work that I assisted in come to life.