HappyNeuron Pro

I have really enjoyed my internship this semester with HappyNeuron Pro as their marketing intern. I have learned a lot about myself, and valuable information and skills that will help me in the future. During my time with HNP, I have become well versed in Photoshop. It has been the main tool I use during my Internship, since I am in charge of creating all of the blog and Pinterest graphics used by the company. I also learned InDesign to create a mini packet worksheet using the application. Before my internship, I knew little to nothing about Photoshop, and now I can create professional level work, which is something I am very proud of. I have also learned a lot about myself as a person, which is the most valuable information. When applying to this internship, I had no intentions of ever working in the Healthcare industry. My mom is a social worker, and I knew it was just not the field for me growing up, but she always wanted me to give it a try before deciding not to be in the field. While I have loved my time at HappyNeuron Pro getting to know the cognitive therapy industry, I truly realized it is not for me. I love marketing and advertising, and would like to apply it to something more creative like fashion in the future.
Thanks for the submission, Margaret! I had taken a Pharmaceutical Advertising class a few years ago and have been interested in working in the industry ever since. Your submission definitely helped sway my interest towards looking for a similar job. How much experience did you have with photoshop and inDesign prior to your internship?