I Scream for Ice-Cream!
My name is Veronica Moyer and I have been interning with two radio stations in Philly this summer: Wired 96.5 (Philly’s Party Station) & 92.5 XTU (Philly’s Country Station). I have been working with both stations as an intern in the promotions department and I have also been interning in the studio with Buster during his afternoon show on Wired 96.5.
Both radio stations do this awesome form of promotion in the summer by sending out ice cream trucks throughout the city of Philadelphia, New Jersey, and the rest of the Delaware Valley giving out free ice cream. I have had the opportunity to accompany a Street Teamer multiple times in the ice cream truck and it can be quite an adventure some days. Some days you can spend hours in the truck driving around to different stops and at the end of the day you’re tired and don’t want to look at anything ice cream related for a couple of days but when you pull up and there’s a crowd of small kids eager to enjoy a cold snack on a hot day or just a crowd of happy listeners in general, it makes the whole day worth it.
I have realized through numerous trips and days spent in both stations’ ice cream trucks that it’s more than a smart marketing tool or a free ice cream sandwich. It’s a chance for us to personally connect with listeners of both stations and sometimes it really can make someone’s day. I have seen so much positive feedback towards both stations on social media after days spent in the ice cream truck and I can’t help but smile because I know that I took part in making someone smile for a moment that day.