
My name is Shannon King and I am a sales intern at PHL17. This has been a great opportunity to work for a television station to see how it operates. I have also learned first hand how important advertising is to any business, specifically a television station.  I don’t think I expect to work in sales, but I am happy for this learning experience. I’ve also gained experience on how a television station works internally. I learn a lot in the meetings held every Tuesday morning, where they discuss trends in the market, what is going on at the station to then tell advertisers, and inventory updates.

What I love the most about my internship experience is working in an office. This office is very close knit. One would think because the sales people are technically working against each other for accounts and ad space, they would be more competitive. Yet, they all seem to be friends inside and outside of work. They have all been extremely welcoming and willing to help me learn.  I don’t expect every office to be like this, but I do hope future offices I work in will be like this one. I am happy for this experience and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for me next.

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