Internship at Creative Video

So far at Creative Video, I’ve learned how to work in programs like Edius and eventually After Effects. I was hired as a graphic designer but has had the opportunity to work in video production because of experience I’ve gained from MURL, the capstone Journalism course. I think the best part of having an internship is working outside of the classroom; being able to learn exactly what’s going on in the field. I love going to my internship and this helps remind me that I’ve made a great decision to go into this field. I love art and design but I was never sure what I wanted to do in life until recently. After reading many job and course descriptions, I finally decided to take up the Advertising major and put forth in my life. I’m having a great time in my internship. I learn new ways to produce videos. I will soon be working Photoshop and After Effects. I hope to even travel to several events in the future. One of the events they went to was in Las Vegas, Nevada and who would want to pass that opportunity up!