Internship: You Define It!
During this past semester, I interned at American INSIGHT. This company is a nonprofit and has a Film Festival every year. This year’s theme was Free Speech: You Define It! Here, I am a social media intern. From my role I have learned how to manage the Facebook and Instagram platforms for my company. A lot of work is needed in order to keep the pages up to date. It doesn’t just include making eye catching graphics, but also researching current events and keeping a lookout at the insights for each page.
Working with American INSIGHT was a life changing experience. I have always been interested in film and this internship allowed me to not only watch and rate the submitted films, but also interview filmmakers and ask them questions on their work and methods behind the scenes. I was given a lot of responsibility, more than I originally imagined, and the fact that I was trusted with so much work made me feel valued. I know that what I do matters here at American INSIGHT.
To anybody looking for an internship, remember that this could be your first professional work experience. You will slip up and make mistakes but that is why you have a team to work with. Never be afraid to ask your supervisor questions and even give suggestions. Your voice is important!