
While interning at SA VA, a small fashion company based in Philadelphia, I met many current and previous interns. I saw them not only as lunch buddies and elevator pals but as opportunity to network.

Through working so closely with the fashion interns I gained a better understanding of the brand and also now have friends in other fashion companies if I would like to take a look at moving somewhere else.

Interns often stay in contact with the company they interned with long after the internship is over, but what about their fellow interns? Just as the company has connections so do the interns who work there. Once the internship is over it is likely that they will get a job, some in Philadelphia, some across the globe. Either way it is likely that an intern may be helpful to you in the future or vice versa. In the world of advertising it is important to keep your networking pool as large and diverse as you possibly can, not just with established names but fellow up-and-comers.


So interns keep networking!

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