It’s All About the Culture. Thank you, MOD.
I started working at MOD Worldwide as a marketing intern in June of 2018, my first summer back in Philadelphia, after finishing my sophomore year at the University of Alabama. A life-long Philadelphian, I was returning home for the summer with a newly declared major in advertising, but no real idea precisely what I was going to focus on within that major, or where it was going to lead me.
Fast forward a year and a half, and I was back at MOD for summer 2019, and currently, back, writing this blog in my fall semester as a senior at Temple, interning once again for MOD, this time, within my declared major, account management.
Considering this is a blog post, and blog posts are typically short and sweet, I am going to do my best at doing exactly so. After thinking for quite a while on how to approach this, and what angle I should focus on, because honestly, there are quite a few topics I could talk about regarding my experiences at MOD thus far, there was one that kept resonating well with me. A simple, thank you, MOD.
MOD isn’t just an ad agency filled with people coming into their 9:00-5:00 for the sole purpose of making money, going home, repeat. MOD is a place filled with some of the greatest, most compassionate, intellectually gifted people I have ever met, that genuinely care for one another. The environment MOD creates for each and every one of its employees is unmatched, and something truly special. It didn’t take long before I felt that I was not only absorbing the culture at MOD, but contributing to it. Working with people who make you laugh, make you smile, make you think outside of your comfort zone, are the right people to surround yourself with, especially when working in a creative agency. I quickly learned, it’s all about the culture. A place where people are happy and wanting to work, is a place where success and greatness is made.
My first days at MOD, a year and a half ago, were not easy to say the least, as I was incredibly nervous and did not feel “good enough” or “smart enough” to be fulfilling the position I was given. Turns out, any reservations that I had, quickly evaporated as I was welcomed into MOD’s bustling and dynamic environment and given tasks and responsibilities that not only gave me the feeling that I was contributing, but I was learning. Learning more than any class or lecture at school I had ever been apart of.
I could go on and on, but I am going to stop here. Thank you MOD. Thank you for helping shape me into the confident 21 year old I am now, as this definitely wasn’t the case a couple years ago. Thank you for teaching me to think outside the box, and for teaching me that every idea is worth listening to. Thank you for pushing me to try my best, and for and for inspiring me. Thank you for making me feel wanted. Thank you for making me excited to work advertising. Thank you for the constant camaraderie, and lastly, thank you for having dogs in the office every single day….haha. Thank you, so much.