It’s Okay to Know Nothing

Hey! I’m Noelle Robinson and I will be a senior this year at Temple University. I’m majoring in advertising and concentrating in copywriting

Hey! I’m Noelle Robinson and I’ll be a senior this year at Temple University. I’m majoring in advertising and concentrating in copywriting. I’m here to tell you it’s okay to get an internship where you know nothing about the department or area in which you’ll be working. This summer, I got an amazing opportunity to intern at Publicis Health Media as a media technology intern.

You’re probably wondering why I applied to this internship if it’s not my major or preferred area in advertising. I’d say any internship is a valuable experience to have, especially in college, that’s not in the classroom. Internships can teach you so much about yourself in a professional setting and make you aware of what you like or dislike. I was open to any opportunity that sparked my interest, even just a little bit.

This internship taught me so much about the advertising industry that I wouldn’t get in classes. Of course, I was scared of going into something in which I had no experience, but my manager was very understanding and assured me that they would teach me everything from the ground up.

In media technology, I learned so much about the backend workings of advertising and what goes on behind closed doors. My team was so supportive and didn’t make me feel like a burden from all the questions I was asking them. My manager was super helpful with teaching and training me on the tasks that I would be doing.

I want to emphasize putting faith in yourself because we’re more capable of things than we think. I was able to learn my company’s systems and integrate with my team quickly. This experience has built my confidence in my professional and career development. So be open to applying to other internships that aren’t in your preferred area because all experiences are valuable.

One comment

  1. This was a great read. I could relate to you as I was scrolling through your blog post, I also went into an internship this year feeling like I knew nothing, and boy is it daunting! I am so glad you learned a lot from your experience and were treated with kindness during it.

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