JUMP MAG-Round Two
Hi, my name is Bree Wood, I am and adv art track student. I did my internship with Jump Magazine, for the second time. It is a small magazine that has been around for two years now. It is run by George Miller, he is a prof in the journalism department. The magazine isn’t part of Temple though.
I really enjoyed the first part of my internship with Jump, I was writing a post every week about up coming show, and then I was also doing my own interviews with bands, and getting them put into the print version of the magazine. This time I am just working on the print version, and going to shows and doing write ups on the event, which is cool, but I don’t consider myself a strong writer. I really wanted to help with the redesign of the magazine considering I’m an art track student. But they had someone new join the team with a lot of experience so I thought that would be cool to work under them, but they needed more hands on the content side of things. So over all I enjoyed my time with Jump, I just know I do not want to be a journalists, I really like designing. This semester I have taken magazine design, art II, and Typography, and it has really focused my interests.
Coolest part of my internship was interviewing Dan, I have looked up to this guy for years. All his bands are favorites of mine since I was a kid.