Life Lessons from the Ranch
Is this thing on?
Hey everyone, my name is Anna Hirsch and I’m a senior advertising major with concentrations in copywriting and art direction. For the past (almost) three months I’ve been a copywriting intern at Red Tettemer O’Connell + Partners in center city. To say this semester has been a whirlwind is an understatement — on top of working at RTO+P four days a week, I’m also taking four classes and have a steady freelance writing job. But no matter how many nights I stayed up late and how many social events I missed, I’m endlessly glad that I was able to take this opportunity. I’ve gotten to work on a wide variety of brands including CRAFTSMAN, IRWIN, Dietz & Watson, The Original Donut Shop Coffee, Reyka Vodka, Under Armour, Nature’s Bakery, and more. I’ve also learned an incredible amount along the way. From one busy college kid to another, here’s some of the most important stuff about writing, advertising, and life in general that I’ve learned during my time at the Ranch.
Your first idea is never the best
Seriously. It’s not. Neither is your second. Most of the time, your best idea is lurking somewhere between #10 and #200, and the only way to find it is to keep brainstorming and dig deep.
On the flip side, don’t be afraid to show people your not-so-good ideas when you’re working on a project. If it truly sucks you can keep it to yourself, but other people might see hidden potential in an idea you were on the fence about.
Don’t get too attached to your babies, because you might have to kill them
Not your real babies. Obviously. Your idea babies. A really good skill is being able to detach yourself from your ideas and not take it too personally when your teammates don’t think they’re working. Remember, the criticism is about the idea, not about you.
Work can be fun!
The standards at RTO+P are high and people work extremely hard. But thanks to a fabulously crafted work environment, the morale is great and I look forward to going into the office every single day. Perks include an office cat named Pedro (pictured above), free beer (for interns 21+, obviously), one of the best views of Philadelphia, and so many interesting decorations around the office that it’s impossible to be bored.
Most of all, the best perk of working at Red Tettemer is being able to do work that I’m passionate about with so many brilliant, creative, and kind people. I’ve loved my time here and I’m looking forward to savoring the few weeks I have left before the semester ends.
I think what you said about not getting too attached to ideas is really important to understand. As interns, we’re there to learn about how to be better and acquire new skills. It’s really important to not take things too personally, especially when it comes to getting feedback on something you worked really hard on. Ultimately, the feedback is there to make you better, which is only going to help in the long run!!
Hey, Anna!
Great blog post! Your work ethic and determination shows. Very impressive that you were able to balance all of these challenges this semester. I really enjoyed reading about your unique experience at RTO+P. I actually just interviewed there for a spring position, so it was cool to get some insight from another intern. Have a great holiday!