Looking Back
I recently completed my spring internship at PHL-17 and I’m so grateful to have had the experience. It was great to see advertising from a new perspective outside of an ad agency. I was able to learn about what happens to an advertisement once it leaves the agency and reaches media companies and media outlets. I also learned a lot about the role of account executives in a media setting and the process that goes into getting a media buy. Selling advertising space involves much more than just impressing the client with presents and giveaways. Account executives have to pitch new business; make negotiations; go on sales calls; follow up with clients; handle contracts; analyze spreadsheets full of demographic information and ratings; and deal with media planning and buying companies. After interning at PHL-17, I definitely have a better sense of the time and effort that account execs put in to make ads run on television.
Although I learned so much as a media sales intern, it was such a pleasure to be able to work in the creative services department on my downtime. Taking on small jobs such as designing t-shirts in Illustrator and comping tollbooth ads in Photoshop definitely added a spark to my experience. I loved working with the creative team at PHL-17; they were all very welcoming and accommodating.
Interning at PHL-17 really helped me solidify exactly what I want to do after I graduate. When I first switched my major to advertising, I wasn’t completely sure about the track I wanted to go into. After spending three months working with account executives and researchers, however, I am positive that I want to pursue art direction and design after I graduate. I’m also sure that I want to work in an agency setting. Although I enjoyed working with the creative team at PHL-17, I would much prefer to do work for several clients rather than focusing on just one. I definitely thrive when I’m presented with new challenges everyday that allow me to use my imagine and create something unique and new.
Overall, I really enjoyed my internship. I learned a lot about advertising, media sales, and myself. I will remember this experience for a long time to come!