Make A Place For Yourself
My name is Shannon Wilson and I am currently a graphic design intern at Skai Blue Media. My experience at Skai Blue Media has enhanced my professional career and expanded my artistic abilities. My role includes designing presentations, social posts, icons, mood boards, logos, decks, you name it! I’ve also been an active part in the branding of Skai Blue Media which is something that I will remember and take pride in forever. I’ve been able to explore many different forms of media and branch out into the world of public relations. As I grow closer with the team I feel like I am a part of a family of creative geniuses. Everyday, I am amazed by the abilities of my coworkers and the versatility within their skill sets. This internship has reminded me to try anything that could be a learning experience. At times I have been able to step outside of my graphic design label and put my efforts towards topics such as, research and visual styling. I know now more than ever that I want a job that allows me to fill many roles and learn all sides of the business. I have gained interest and passion for public relations and hope to gain more experience with representing powerful brands. I also have realized my value of being in a hands on position that allows me to engage with clients and build strong relationships within my team. My team inspires me to embrace myself, my style, my passions, and my community while remaining humble and kind. Working at Skai Blue Media has exceeded any expectations that I could have had. I had no idea I would learn so much about public relations and be able to expand my portfolio and graphic design abilities. In my last few weeks as an intern I hope to make substantial progress on the Skai Blue Media branding, continue with visual styling and research, and hopefully, assist my creative director with a photoshoot for visual branding a client. Time has flown by over the past semester. With that being said, if there was anything that I could have done differently it would have been to engage and build relationships with the team more quickly. My word of advice is that it’s not always easy fitting your way into a close knit community, but being yourself and making yourself known are some of the first steps to being a strong team player.
I think it’s so amazing that you’re encouraged to embrace your own personal style as a graphic designer working for a media company. Do you ever run into situations where you need to present a style to a client that you’re not familiar with, or change your style to better fit the client’s needs and match their established personal brand?