Mondelez International
Hi! My name is Jennifer Wells, the second person from the right in the picture, with the blue hair. I am going to be starting my senior year at Temple in the fall, and I am majoring in Advertising: Art Direction. This summer I received the opportunity to intern at Mondelēz International with their North American Creative Design Team.
Now you may be wondering, what exactly is Mondelēz? While for most, Kraft Foods is a household name, the name Mondelēz is definitely more unfamiliar. But what about Oreo, Ritz, or Trident? In 2012, Kraft Foods Inc split their company in half, keeping the North American grocery products under the Kraft name and putting all of the snack food products under a new company, Mondelēz International. Mondelēz has a wide range of products and offices across the globe.
Because they are such a large company, they have several in-house design teams, one for each region of the world. And while Mondelēz is no stranger to interns, one department that has never had one is the Creative Design Team. Until now, that is.
Before my internship here, I would have never considered working for a company’s in-house creative team. I’ve always been more agency-oriented, believing that the work done in an in-house environment would end up being a lot of the same thing over and over. One of my favorite things about advertising is that everything you do and experience is a little bit different, and no two days or projects are the same. Interning at Mondelēz International has opened my eyes to a whole other side of the design world that I never would have considered before.
Working at Mondelēz, I’ve gotten to work on a wide variety of projects and so far, none have been the same. In the beginning, since this team has never had an intern before, a lot of my jobs were simple as they got a feel for what I could do: banner resizes, basic photo retouching for ID badges, and other little projects like that. However, about two weeks into my time here they let me take on more, including some jobs for other countries! So far, I’ve done logo designs for several in-house organizations, web banner ads for the online channels used by Mondelēz’s customers for ordering products, and even a large-scale design project for a member of the senior leadership team.
I have learned more than I could have imagined through my internship here, and I’ve enjoyed every minute of it. Now I’m even more excited about starting my professional career after graduation, and I’ve gained a new perspective about the possibilities to come. This internship will definitely be the highlight of my summer, and I am incredibly happy to have had this experience.