More beneficial than classes
As sad as it sounds, I have truly learned more during this summer internship than I ever have in a classroom setting. My boss at Vintage Tub & Bath, is very good at making time to sit down with me at least twice a week and teach me something new. He stresses how if you want to make money in this industry you need to focus and learn all you can know about PPC (pay-per-click) and SEO (search engine optimization). For example, I have worked with Google Adwords every day I have been working here and I understand now why he advises that. Google Adwords is the best way to track PPC right now and Google offers certification exams so you can show your next employer that you understand how to use the innovative software. I have been studying for the exams throughout the summer when I have free time and I plan on taking the exam soon! My boss, Tony, told me about the exams and expressed how having this on his resume not too long ago got him a lot of job offers. He told me the certification was one of the first things the employers brought up when they sat him down for an interview after reading over his resume.
In my last blog post, I discussed how working for a company is definitely different than working for an ad agency. I found there are pros and cons about the positions. Something that this company lacks compared to an agency is the creativeness. Don’t get me wrong, the marketing department comes up with great ideas here but they mostly focus on the marketing aspects (numbers). In an agency, I would expect the environment to be very different. Maybe more relaxed and creative decor? Again, I have never worked for an agency but when I look into the internships, I sense more room for creativeness and being able to collaborate ideas with your coworkers. Working for an agency in Center City is definitely on my agenda for next semester!