My experience as a Social Media Intern at Group Two
Hello everyone! I am a social media intern at Group Two, and today I wanted to share how the work I’ve done here has redefined how I view social media marketing.
A few months ago, if you had asked me what social media marketing was good for, I’d say that it is only good for brands who are either trying to spread awareness or reach out to new consumers in the millennial demographic. Going into my internship, I was curious to see how social media would be used to target mainly an older demographic than what I was used to. Well over the coming months I began to have a better understanding of the value of social media, and that its unique ability to reach out and directly interact with consumers was not just limited to millennials.
Having to find influencers to reach out to, researching hashtags that our audience uses, seeing what content resonated most with a client’s audience, and familiarizing with social media websites that I had never heard of put me out of my comfort zone. In response, I had to completely immerse myself in this sphere of social media. My social media feeds that were once populated with advertising thought leaders and professionals was now filled with architects and home designers. The result of my efforts grew my understanding of the housing industry and helped me in in solving the problems I would encounter managing social media profiles. Most importantly, it taught me that social media communities can be incredibly large, and if that is the case for housing and real estate, then it also must apply to other industries. Making the effort to learn this community helped me not only create better content, but also provided me the steps I should take when learning about a new industry.
Furthermore, working on monthly reports for clients helped me see the impact social media can have on a business, and how it can fit into an overall campaign. Despite my interest in social media, I was always unsure about its impact on a business. Working at my internship was able to demonstrate to me the impact social media has, whether it was seeing how a significant number of website users were directed there from a social network, or client feedback who acknowledged the impact a social media campaign has had on business.
My internship experience has helped me have a better understanding of social media as a whole. It also provided me the important lesson of how to overcome challenges that I may face working on social media. Finally, it taught me how social media ties into the rest of an advertising campaign and the influence it has.