My Experience at 3FM
I interned at 3 Floor Media (3FM), which is located in the West Oak Lane section of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 3FM is a boutique advertising agency, which buys media and also offers video and audio production. I’ve been learning about Audio Production, Selling Radio Spots, Radio Advertising. I also conduct research for upcoming events. I met the owner and CEO Gary Shepherd at the Philly Ad Club Movers and Shakers event last year. Mr. Shepherd was one of the few black people in attendance, so naturally, I gravitated toward a familiar face. At the time, I was a junior and I had just switched my major to advertising with a concentration in account management a few months prior to meeting him. 3FM is a family business. Gary, his wife, son and daughter work for the company. On my first day, the Shepherds welcomed me with open arms and treated me as if I was one of their own. Since Mr. Shepherd is a former radio personality, he is very well known throughout the Tri-State area. This also means that he is friends with influential individuals, and they stop by to chat with him at times. I was able to meet Former State Representative Andrew Carne, and recently, I was able meet Hardy Williams, who is running for mayor of Philadelphia. I was also able to say a few words on his radio spot, which will be airing in a few weeks. While learning the tricks of the trade were cool, the most important lesson I learned was how to properly handle myself in the work place. Mr. Shepherd gave me a glimpse of how stressful and rewarding, running a small business is and told me how important it was for me not to give up. No matter what job he has me doing, he always expects me to give it my all. I am beyond grateful for this opportunity to work for this man and his family, and hopefully, I can continue to work for him after graduation.