My Experience at SEOM Interactive
Hello everyone! My name is Aleena Mathew, and I’m a junior Advertising major minoring in Digital Marketing. Since January 2023, I have been interning with SEOM Interactive. Although the building is in Trevose, PA, I had the opportunity to work remotely during the entire duration of my internship.
The fall semester before I started my internship was my first semester as an Advertising major. Prior to this major, I was a Communications major, and before that I was in Health Professions for three semesters. I was notorious for being indecisive in what I wanted to do because I had so many different interests in different fields. When I switched into Advertising and Digital Marketing I felt more confident and excited for the new experiences and opportunities I was about to face.
SEOM Interactive is my first internship and I’m so happy that this opportunity got the gears moving towards the right direction. I got to learn more about Digital Marketing through the tasks and assignments I completed for Account Managers. The digital marketing firm focuses on Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising on Yahoo!, Google, and Bing. From the growth of social media, SEOM Interactive has been able to leverage platforms like Instagram and Facebook. This allows them to gain a positive ROI (return on investment) for their clients. The business also utilizes public relation efforts for clients as well. These public relation strategies generate recognition for the businesses that they work with and being able to be featured in national and local publications.
As a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Intern I was responsible for a myriad of tasks for different clients. From the start of my internship, I gained hands-on-training and got the opportunity to work with account managers at SEOM Interactive. I worked on projects with real clients (such as Certapro Painters & Decorating Den Interiors) alongside the account managers. Since it was my first internship, I wasn’t used to the amount of responsibilities I was going to uphold. However, my supervisor and I were able to meet to go over my tasks, making it easier for me to learn the processes and how to do certain actions that go to making SEOM Interactive a successful business. I created local pages and product pages through WordPress, analyzed Marchex phone reports, and various other tasks throughout the company. Prior to interning, I had no experience with WordPress, I knew that my peers were using it but it all felt foreign to me at first. Everything was so new and intimidating. Although I was nervous, I was excited to delve deeper into new opportunities for growth. My account managers and supervisor, Lyndsie, were always so helpful and understanding- they made sure I was able to soak in the new knowledge and learn as much as I could while completing these tasks.
Reflecting on my time I spent at SEOM Interactive, a key takeaway from my experience is that new interns should never be hard on themselves. Making mistakes is normal for anything, and this is how people grow and flourish. No one starts off knowing everything, and that’s totally okay! Push yourself to go outside of your comfort zone, the more we stay in our own bubble, the less inclined we are to adventure out and explore new opportunities. Ask questions! You’re never being annoying and it’s better to feel confident and comfortable with your work. I’m proud of the work I contributed to SEOM Interactive and I’m so grateful for this opportunity!