My Time at a Start-up: Cleaned for COVID LLC
I had the opportunity to interview for a social media internship at a start-up company called Cleaned for COVID LLC during quarantine. It was interesting to try and get my headspace to transition from “what Netflix documentary I was going to watch next?” to preparing for an online interview. Sure enough, I got the job. This was my first experience at a start-up and it has been different than my previous internships to say the least. Cleaned for COVID is an application that streamlines communication for businesses and institutions to notify their employees and customers/community member on actions they are taking to help combat the coronavirus, as well as curated lists and checkpoints from the CDC and state officials on measures certain businesses should be taking. My job in the company at first was very hands-on research. I was working alongside the VP of Marketing and Client Experience in order to gain insights on consumers’ thoughts and feelings during this time. I looked into school district litigation and the school boards decisions and their plans regarding coming back in the fall. I wrote blog posts for our social media to try and gain traction and impressions on our pages.
For me, this was the first time I was doing heavy research that I felt actually profited an end goal. I could see the bigger picture that we, as a team, we’re working towards. I took the change of pace happily as I thought it was exciting to see the different directions the company could go. This internship is also special because it pertains to coronavirus. After having lived through it (currently living through it) it felt good to try and contribute to a possible return of normal life while still stuck in the house.
I’m learning from the research and blog writing I’m doing by reading articles that pertain to the election results (presidential, state and local) and their future views of both the virus and the market. I have written a few blogs that look into consumer experience and trust. Many business are having difficulty retaining the consumers they once had and many consumers are making a shift in their market habits. I find both these topics important, not just for my current job, but as an advertising student ultimately job hunting in a few months.
I am very grateful for the experience I’m currently having and I’m excited to keep continuing and working alongside my team for as long as I can.