Navigating an Internship
My name is Nicholas Anderson and I am a graduating senior. This spring semester, I had the honor of being a copywriting intern at 160over90. I began as an intern back in July and enjoyed every minute of it. During my time as an intern, I learned a few things, some of which may be helpful to you if you are deciding whether or not an internship is the right fit.
Let me start by saying that yes, it is the right fit. Now, of course there are some places that provided nicer internship experiences than others. And that fear of the unknown can be a bit intimidating. Don’t worry! Websites like Glassdoor are great starting points for figuring out which fit is right. Next, don’t sell yourself short! Chances are if you made it this far in the higher education process, you have formidability already deep within.
When the time comes to start your internship, the first day can seem very intimidating. It’s natural. You ARE a human after all. Sometimes it’s inevitable to feel a little bit of fear! But keep your chin up. Dress to impress on the first day. Remember to smile and shake hands—always engaging in direct eye contact to the person with whom you are speaking.
I discovered that going the extra step in terms of work you produce can go a long way. Your supervisors notice those kinds of things and appreciate seeing it happen. So, ask for some extra work when you can swing it. Engage with people in the office during lunchtime. Be the fresh, smiling face that lifts up the energy of those who are around you! These soft skills can take you very far.
My most important piece of advice is to remember that at the end of the day, you are human. While it’s always good to strive for perfection, the fact of the matter is that we aren’t perfect beings. So, if the first round of work you submit needs some re-working, don’t take it personally. I’ve found myself re-writing headlines dozens of times before the right one was finally produced. Be patient with yourself. See an internship as an opportunity to learn, not prove yourself. When you learn and grow, you will be proving yourself without even knowing.
To anyone who reads this, I hope this information serves you well. I wish you the best of luck as you begin the exciting process of dipping your toes into the professional world. Remember, you got this. Believe in yourself!
Hi Nicholas. I appreciated your advice, support, positivity, and encouragement for young interns. However, I would have liked to hear more about your copywriting experience with 160over90. What was the company like? What kind of copy did you work on? Why did you feel that this internship was, “the right fit” for you? What made this experience so enjoyable? Was it the people or the work itself?
Thank you. 🙂