NBC Philadelphia – The Final Week
As these ten weeks at NBC Philadelphia flew right by, I am able to look back on this experience as a major success. I have networked with highly ranked officials from every department throughout this organization. My main tool in networking was attending the morning meetings, where all the producers in each department meet to discuss trending stories around the community and the country. These meetings commence at 9:00am and my assigned time to arrive for my internship is 9:30am. In order to make it to the meetings, I would have arrive early, which I did not mind doing because I realized how important it was for me to attend these gatherings. While in the meeting, employees are free to throw out ideas for possible stories for various segments on the news. Interns are also allowed to have their voices heard regarding story ideas, which is why I would find a few hot trending story ideas before entering the meeting. I have pitched a numerous amount of stories during the meetings and even one that made its way onto the 4pm news.
While looking back at all my assigned tasks that were given to me in the marketing department, I would have to think that creating package ideas for clients was my favorite duty. The ability to be creative and think outside of the box in order to have better ideas to present to a particular client is something that I found very intriguing. The client that I found most enjoyable to create ideas for was Elton John’s broadway play “Billy Elliot”. I was able to create four dynamic and creative contest concepts that were eventually chosen to be used for the actual client.
The final assignment that was given to me by the marketing manager was to put together creative copy for a contest involving Hershey Park. I was provided with the prizes that would be given to the winner and a quick summary about the client. After completing the assignment, I was informed that my work was going to be used to be sent over to the client and be posted on the NBC website. This is the first work that I have completed at NBC that was going to be posted publicly, so I thought it was something that I should share in this blog.

It sounds like you got to learn a lot while there! I’m sure it was an amazing experience to be at a busy, exciting place such as NBC Philadelphia and get to see the inter-workings. My experience at Temple U, in the Communications and Marketing department, was different, which wasn’t too fast paced.
But I understand the part about having your work published and shared with others publicly and it’s very rewarding.
I hope you really enjoyed yourself with NBC Philadelphia. Good luck to you in the future.