No Offer? No Problem
As I stated in my first blog post, this has been an extremely fulfilling internship. In the semester I have spent at Philadelphia Magazine thus far I have learned relevant information that will help me in my future career. In addition to learning new skills, I have also been able to sharpen advertising skills that I have already learned here at Temple. Additionally, I have met a lot of great people, and made a lot of great connections, which has been beneficial at my internship and will continue to be helpful in the future. This brings me to my point.
Many interns, such as myself, go into their first internship with the thought that they could be offered a full time position at the conclusion. While some companies do this, many do not. Unfortunately I, along with all of my co-interns, was not offered a position.
To all interns who have not or will not be offered a job by their internship, I will leave you with a few tips.
- Don’t take it personally. Not being offered a job doesn’t make you a bad intern, maybe the company just isn’t currently hiring.
- You have time. You can always come back and apply in the future. The company knows you, and you know the company, which should give you a leg up. You can always wait for a position to open up, and then apply again.
- You have experience. The point of an internship is to give you experience, and you have learned valuable skills that you can use at another company.