Oh man, I’m about to graduate and I still need an internship
We’ve all been there. It seems like every other major just has to show up for class, do the work, and leave. But for advertising majors, the ultimate test comes when we have to complete an internship. And, as most of us know, no amount of 1-2 page essays or weekly commercial critiques can prepare you for actually having to do these things in real life, with real people, and their real money.
But take a deep breath, because although it may be daunting, interning is one thing that sets our major apart from the rest and gives us potential. And the best part is, if I can do it, so can you.

So my advice to you- go with what you love. I once had a professor who kept asking us: When no one is telling you what to do, what do you do? Ask yourself that question and you will surely land on something you love. For me, it was writing. For some, it’s graphic design. For others, it’s simply talking. All of these have the possibility to be turned into jobs and the only way you’ll find out how is if you go for it.
I am currently a copywriting intern at Maiden Media Group in Old City. And the thought that what I do directly affects dozens of people, their time, and their money, still terrifies me. But if I never did it- if I just kept going to class and handing in assignments- I would never progress as a professional or as a person.
Maiden is a digital experience agency, based heavily on the belief that our generation possesses a natural knowledge for technology and we can use it productively through advertising. So if you’re known for furiously searching Facebook profiles in the Tech Center when no one is telling you what to do, maybe your heart is in technology. Maybe Maiden is a good place for you to intern.
Check out their website here and get a feel for what we do and how we do it.
My point in this post is to reach out to anyone who may be feeling the same concerns I felt when first faced with the task of interning. Yes- it would be much easier to show up to a class of 30 people and hide in the back while you text. But I guarantee that you will learn much more if you break out that business skirt your mom made you buy and give the real world a chance to teach you something. Good luck!
contact: mmcgowan@temple.edu
Michelle, this blog post is inspiring and speaks the truth. Putting yourself out there in a professional setting is very nerve-wracking, but so worth it. In my internship at Fox I am a the PR/Marketing Intern for the MBA Programs, and the first couple weeks I was scared that I was going to make a mistake, but as time went along I learned it was the real learning process. No matter how many assignments we complete in class and how many group projects we work on there is nothing like putting yourself out there in an internship. In my opinion what you put into an internship, is what you get out of it. I have the most influential experiences in the office when I really dig deep into my tasks and get my hands dirty.