One of a Kind
Hey everyone! My name is Victoria Glammer, Vee for short. I am currently a Junior, almost a Senior (wow scary), studying Advertising and minoring in General Business Studies. Feel free to contact me at victoria.glamer@temple.edu if you have any questions about my experience that I am about to share with you! Like many students participating on this blog, I’ve had the pleasure of interning for the duration of the Spring semester, and for me personally, it was with a one of a kind company: MayoSeitz Media.
MayoSeitz Media is a small media agency located in Blue Bell, PA. Ray Mayo & Jon Seitz founded MayoSeitz in 1997, 20 years ago this year. Ray & Jon’s style of running a business falls nothing short of praiseworthy. Their success, I believe, is greatly attributed to the respected, down-to-earth people that they are and the real interest that they have in their work and their employees. I am beyond grateful that I’ve had the opportunity to intern at a company like this one. I have gained such great experience and knowledge from Mayo and those who work there. Above all, what I have truly taken away from this experience is an appreciation for a company with genuine culture and depth. There is a true quality of authenticity and comfort in being yourself at this company, and in any industry, I believe long-term success stems from that. To give you some examples, if you look around the MayoSeitz office, there are large jars of candy and snacks, coffee makers, a huge flat screen TV in the lounge area with sofas, chairs, and small games. MayoSeitz takes part in happy hours, softball and kickball games, charitable efforts, and company events such as “Cinco De Mayo”. This media agency is not strictly business; moreover, as a company, they see the importance of being themselves and having fun, while working hard and serving their clients efficiently and effectively. Characteristics like these keep employees engaged and ultimately happy, and this is evident among the employees I have gotten to know over the past few months. Ray & Jon continue to grow their brand successfully for this very reason.
Luckily, my time at MayoSeitz is not over just yet, as I will be staying there for the summer. I am so excited to see where this opportunity continues to take me, and I am grateful to be apart of a one of a kind company.