Opportunities I Have Yet to Experience.
Hi everyone! My name is Kat and I am a senior at Temple, studying advertising with a concentration in account management. This semester, I have had the opportunity to intern at 42West, a personal relations company located in New York City. This position was remote, however we were given opportunities to experience events in person throughout the semester. I have learned a lot through this position and am excited to share with you.
With less than a month of college left and still no idea what I want to do or what my career path will look like, my time at 42West has shown me the endless opportunities that exist within the PR world. Advertising and PR are very similar, and I was excited to learn something new when accepting this position at 42West with no prior PR experience or knowledge. From weekly team meetings and interviews with employees of different sections of the company (called “Intern Power Hours”), I have made so many new connections and have learned of all of the different positions that exist within a PR company.
My favorite “Intern Power Hour” thus far has been with a member of our team, Michael, who works directly in client relations for the company. Michael discussed his day-to-day operations as well as the many aspects of the job, being completely transparent about both the good and bad. Michael currently works with actor and singer Benn Platt, as well as Wednesday actress Emma Meyers, and has previously worked with the cast of Hannah Montana. This immediately sparked my interest in working hands-on directly with clients in the PR world, something I did not know existed.
Aside from compiling media lists, press content, and writing bios, I was invited to experience working a red-carpet for Andrea Bocelli’s recent movie release. Unfourtonately I had class and could not attend, however, learning of these events and the workings that go into their success was also very interesting and another side of the PR world I was unaware of. I am a very hands-on person who enjoys meeting new people and working directly with others on a team, so learning of the endless opportunities in PR where I am able to work like this has been a very cool experience. Now I have both advertising and PR experience and am so excited to see how the two work hand-in-hand in my future career and how I can use the skills I have developed from both!
There are so many opportunities within the PR world that I have yet to explore. There is so much room for growth and learning within the field, and my time at 42West has shown me this firsthand. I recommend applying for new internships and going outside of your comfort zone! There is always something new to learn, and you may even find your new passion or career from doing so!
Hi Kat! I really enjoyed reading about your internship experience at 42 West. My dream is to pursue my career in NYC someday & i’m glad you got to have some amazing experiences there throughout the semester! So cool your manager gets to work with celebrities like Ben Platt… (so jealous haha). But I too don’t exactly know what I want to do in my future career so my best advice is to just keep exploring different career paths and going after opportunities that interest you! Whether that be in advertising/PR or not, you have an exciting journey ahead of you! Congrats on graduating. 🙂