Paving the way
My internship is very unique in the sense that I am the first person to create the job title of Director of Advertising/Marketing within this company. When I first started working with Gina’s Closet I was aware that they had somewhat of a Facebook page, and a small following. As I became more informed through my classes at Temple, I was able to go to the owner of Gina’s Closet and give some advice on how to better reach the target consumers. Shortly after making some useful suggestions the owner, Dawn, offered me this title of Advertising and Marketing Director. Currently this title encompasses the duties of: mass emailing (done through Constant Contacts), maintaining the store’s website, maintaining social media outlets (Facebook, Twitter, Blogger), creating and hosting events within the store, coordinating and promoting sales within the store, and creating any in store advertising.
To say that this has been a challenge would be an understatement! I am constantly working outside of my scheduled hours to make sure that our information on customers is updated and correct, our Facebook is updated and active, and to make sure our customers are kept happy. This in particular is done through feedback from consumers directly to my email. In turn I use this information and the data I collect from Facebook and Constant Contact statistics to present the owner of Gina’s Closet.
Since Gina’s Closet is a local business I get to know our customers very well and am able to communicate with them on a more personal level. One aspect that I have had particular success with is the in store events that are hosted. In the past these events have ranged from a Fashion for Lives fashion show (raising money for breast cancer awareness) to a Prom Fair that offered high school girls the chance to come shop our gently used gowns while being offered various services to make their special day a bit more special. This is one of my favorite aspects as I get to see the project from start to finish; from creating the event, to advertising the event, to executing the event.
One particular aspect that I love is being able to use my creative side as a photographer, a somewhat graphic designer, and using these elements to advertise the message. I personally take all of the photos seen on the website and Facebook, and although they are standard and basic pictures it is always nice to revert back to a hobby that I’ve had for so long.
It definitely has not been easy to keep up with all of the work I have to do, especially with my school work and other commitments. However, it serves to show that working in an industry such as this is going to be hard work and it’s better to know that now.