Philadelphia Fashion Incubator: Where Design Gets Down to Business
Hi! My name is Nicole and I graduated from Temple University a little over a month ago, but in order to get my degree, I just needed an internship credit. I pursued my Bachelor’s degree in Advertising with an Account Management track. A few weeks before graduation, I accepted an internship offer at Philadelphia Fashion Incubator. They are a non-profit organization that helps upcoming designers in the Philadelphia area build their brand and grow their business. Each year, they select a diverse range of designers and business people to participate in their designers-in-residence program. For a whole year, they will have to attend business boot camps, workshops, retail critiques, industry visits, meetings and consultations, and events in order to learn how create a successful business and get their brand up and running. Their resources include mentors from various companies and universities around the city who will educate, connect, and support them. This program is tailored to the needs and goals of the selected designers.
My role as a social media and marketing intern for this company is to help cover all aspects of marketing in the company as a whole, as well as helping the designers-in-residence there promote and grow their brand. This includes the help of scheduling and creating engaging content to post on social media, as well as, brainstorming ideas for presentations and upcoming events. I also monitor and track analytics for all of the company’s social media platforms, which include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat. So far, my experience has been positive and such a great part of learning! Not only I am learning from them, but they are learning from me as well! I always look forward to coming into the office because I love the people I work with, I am doing what I love, and I thrive being in a fast-paced environment.