Philly2Night Farewells
I am finishing up my last week at Philly2Night, and it’s bittersweet. I had a great experience there and I’m satisfied with how I got to spend my time working for the company. Looking back, it’s crazy to see how many doors this one internship has opened for me. I not only got to refine my skills in social media, but I got to take bits and pieces of information from everyone’s roles in the operation at Philly2Night. I also met a ton of people to network with, and even got another job. I say that my last week is bittersweet because I have gained so much from my internship and don’t want to leave, but I am seriously excited about having some time off this summer. I always say that every experience is a learning experience (to myself…cliches are embarrassing) but I found out how to manage my time better and when to actually stop working!
When I started my internship I thought that I would have a clear understanding of exactly what I wanted to do when I graduate. Now I learned about a million new jobs and things I could do with my major. However, I won’t look at this as a problem. Just more to learn and look into for the future!