Quarter Life Crisis: What Do I Really Want To Do?
It’s always a question at every holiday, “What do you want to do?” Does anyone actually know the answer? I am a junior Advertising major with a concentration in Brand Strategy and Research, and am minoring in Event and Entertainment Management. I’m currently working as a content intern for This Is It Network. While I’m really enjoying my time and am very thankful for the opportunity to intern with This is It Network, I’ve been thinking about what I really want to do as my job.
For a while now, I thought social media is what I wanted to pursue. Recently, I saw a TikTok that showed my dream job – planning influencer trips. It was a ‘Day In My Life’ of someone who puts together influencer brand trips from start to finish. They pick which influencers they think would be best on the trip, put together where they’ll be going, staying, what they’ll be doing, and more.
Through my internship however, I’ve been mainly focusing on creating content for the companies clients. For the past two months, I’ve been creating posts and stories for one specific client’s Instagram account, however over the last two weeks, I’ve been taking pictures of products for other clients. Something good that has come out of this has been receiving the products for free (who doesn’t love free things!), but my work has been somewhat repetitive.
This has caused me to think more about my minor, and how I want to incorporate event planning and management into my internship now and in the future. I recently just had a conversation with my boss about the direction I want to move forward within the company, and she mentioned some upcoming projects with which I can help out. I am looking forward to getting more involved and bringing in my minor to get more experience and hopefully figure out what I actually want to do.