Red Tettemer and O’Connell + Partners
My name is Chi Hwan Moon and I am a double major in Advertising and Film. I’ve been working at Red Tettemer for about three months.
Lately, I’ve been working with a video that involves the company Dial. Being able to work with professional footage and made it a blast to edit and create a story. I’ve learned that our agency does not do large scale production shoots, but outsources them to other production companies. Although we do small production shoots, I think that it is more efficient for us to outsource shoots and color correction etc. While editing, there are many programs that I have to use and I feel that it is important to be ready to use them whenever it is needed. For example, when creating videos, the Adobe Creative Suite may be used to make enhance project materials such as photos, photoshopped work, etc. When the project files are ready, you have to be ready to use Avid for video editing and sometimes use After Effects for minor motion graphics. After the editing, it is important to export the work in the right settings. There are a couple programs we use to export, but the one I’ve been using is an application called squeeze. Video settings will be different based on the medium that the video will be sent to.
I was able to attend a photo shoot for one of our clients and this was a very helpful experience. I was able to get a glimpse of the process of the photo shoot and be involved as an extra for some of the shots.
In the very beginning, the photographer and the crew set up while the makeup and hair people get the models ready. The producer is also there getting everybody ready and checking the schedule and the order of the shots that needs to be taken at the location. When shooting, the photographer directs the model while the ad agency creatives watch the monitor to see how the photos are turning out. The creatives give advice on the direction of the photos and they work together with the photographer to produce the best image for the intended concept. There were others watching the monitors as well and they included the clients, producer, account manager and production assistants. The clients were there to make sure the photos turned out the way they wanted it to turn out. They would talk to the art director or the creative director to discuss whether they were satisfied or they wanted minor changes.
So far, the internship at Red has been an unimaginably valuable.