Sean’s Non-Profit Adventure
I’ve become disillusioned with the traditional advertising agency route over the past year at Temple. Consequently, I wasn’t looking forward to finding an internship because I felt guilty when I thought about the possibility of taking away an experience from somebody who would appreciate it more than me. I was discussing this with a higher-up of 12+, which I was volunteering for at the time, and he told me that they were always looking for help around the office!
I’ve been working at 12+ for a few months now and I think it’s absolutely wonderful. Our office is located inside The Kensington Health Sciences Academy where the organization runs a college-readiness program. KHSA was formerly among the lowest performing neighborhood schools in the city, but since 12+ came in they are now considered one of the highest performing. My title is Development Intern and my primary duty grant writing. Essentially, I rewrote the organization’s old grant application and am now researching new grants to apply for. The research skills that I’ve learned in my advertising classes have come in handy! However, because we are located in a school, there is always a stream of students coming in and out. Some days I get to hang out with them and help out with the college enrollment process. One student is even teaching me to play chess!
I really enjoy my experience with 12+ so far and I can’t see myself working for anything other than a non-profit. I highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for a different career path.
Attached is a shot of our recent field day. I’m in the back. Behold my beautiful beard.